I-1. Ukubekwa kwe-pirintor
Ukunqongophala kwemveliso yobushushu ye-condensern yenye yezizathu eziqhelekileyo zokuphumelela kwefriji yogcino ebandayo. Kule meko, ubushushu bomphezulu we-covensern uya kuphakama, ekulula ukwenza umkhondo ulandele inxalenye yomphunga wamanzi emoyeni, kwaye ekugqibeleni yenza iqabaka. Isisombululo kukwandisa inqanaba lokuhamba kwendawo yokupholisa, ukucoca umphezulu we-condenser kunye nokuphucula umgangatho we-ventilation of courserser.
I-2. Iqondo lobushushu kunye namaqondo obushushu aphezulu kakhulu
When the temperature of the condenser and the environment is too high, the refrigeration efficiency of the cold storage refrigerator will become low, therefore, the evaporator pressure drop will increase, resulting in the evaporator supercooling, which promotes the formation of defrosting. Isisombululo kukunciphisa iqondo lobushushu, ukwandisa inqanaba lokuhamba kwendawo yokupholisa, kwaye ucoce umphezulu we-condenser.
3. I-Evaporator ibanda kakhulu
Ukudityaniswa kwe-Evaporator yesinye sezizathu zokuphelisa ifriji yokugcina ebandayo. Ngokubanzi ngenxa yokuba i-Evaporator Pipeling ivaliwe, ukuhamba kwefriji kuncitshisiwe, njl njl, kukhokelela kwiqondo lokushisa liphantsi kakhulu. Isisombululo kukujonga umbhobho we-Evaporator, Coca umbhobho, kwaye unyuse umgangatho womoya we-coventsenser.
4. Approlyte
Xa ifriji yokugcina ingqolowa i-elektrolyte incinci kakhulu, iya kubangela ukuba i-compressor ikhuphe umva, ikhokelela ekrexezeni iphedomenon. Ke ngoko, xa usebenzisa ifriji, qinisekisa ukuba i-electrolyte yanele. Isisombululo kukujonga ukuba i-elektrolyte yanele kwaye yongeza ii-elektroniki ngexesha.
Isishwankathelo, zininzi izizathu zokwenza ukonakala kwee-chile ezibandayo, kodwa zinokusonjululwa ngokugcina nokugcinwa kwexesha ngexesha elifanelekileyo. Nika ingqalelo ukugcina ifriji icocekile, jonga ukuba i-Free I-SURD yomatshini yanele, iphinde ithathe indawo ye-electrolytes kunye namanye amanyathelo.
IXESHA LOKUQALA: NgoFebwe-22 ukuya ku-2224