I-Tubbur yokuntywila i-subter yoku-odola i-cube ifunyanwe, i-tube yokufudumeza ikwabizwa ngokuba yi-tube yokufudumeza kombane, ngokuthimba i-tub yoyiso lombane, ngokokusetyenziswa kwe-suble yombane ye-tube, ngokufakwa kwi-suble yoyilo lwe-tub, ifakwe kwimixholo yokuba fudumeza. A large amount of heat emitted by the heating element is transmitted to the heated medium to increase the temperature of the medium to meet the required process requirements, which is mainly used for heating in open and closed solution tanks and circular/loop systems.
Okokuqala, iFlangermerion Ukudibana kwe-heater efunekayo:
1. I-Voltage / amandla: ngokwezifiso ngokweemfuno zabathengi;
I-2, iFlange yokufudumeza ubude be-tube, ngokwezifiso ngokobude bendawo yokusetyenziswa komthengi;
3, the number of flange heating pipe: according to the power and length provided by the customer, we help you to design, the electric heat pipe diameter is normal, we design 12mm, 14mm, 16mm.
I-4, iFlanger (SEX ST): Asinyanzelekanga ukuba sikuncede siyile ngokobungakanani betyhubhu yombane, kukho iimfuno ekufuneka zisixelele.
Into yokufudumeza yombane ye-tubula ye-tube yentsimbi, i-spirenting wire wire kunye ne-crystal magnesia powder ngokuhambelana nobushushu obuhle nobushushu obufanelekileyo kunye nokufakwa. Imveliso enokutshisa izixhobo.